Sunday, August 30, 2015

Colloidal Copper Therapy

For those who are suffering from arthritis and other ailments could colloidal copper therapy be for you?? 
The following is from Dr Joel Wallach"
Dr. Stewart Cartwright, aged 38, was a local physician here in San Diego, died at age 38 with a ruptured coronary aneurysm.  This guy was a good-looking kid.  Could have been a movie actor, I’m sure he married the prom queen.  Southern California, probably had a Mercedes convertible, white leather interior, and all the bells and whistles.  Probably never repaid his student loan, all the things that medical students are famous for, and drops dead of a ruptured coronary aneurysm in his heart.  Something a turkey wouldn’t die from.
We learned in 1957 from a turkey study, where they took 250,000 turkeys, and they put them on a complete turkey pellet trying to get them finished for market within a few days or week or so of each other.  And in the first 13 weeks, fully half of them, 125000 of them died.  Farmers were out there every morning, they picked them up every morning by the bushel basket full and took them to the State Diagnostic Lab to see what they died from, and when they opened them up, every one of them had died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm.  And one of the clever pathologists said “That’s got to be due to a copper deficiency, cause copper is required to manufacture the elastic fibers of arteries and skin and other tissues.  And the mechanism of an aneurysm is identical to the mechanism of a balloon or weakened wall of a tire.  You know when you hit a chuckhole with your tire and you break the cords, the internal pressure blows a balloon, you overload that tire with weight, or heat it up on a highway, it blows out.  Same way with an aneurysm.  When you have a copper deficiency, you get a breakdown in the elastic fibers in that artery, the internal pressure, even normal blood pressure, will blow a balloon in that artery, and a balloon in that artery is called an aneurysm.  And of course, if it is in a strategic place, like the brain, carotid artery, the coronary artery, the large arteries, aorta, pulmonary arteries, renal arteries, they blow out you die suddenly just like you been shot.  Well, they got excited about this, they doubled the amount of copper in these pellets, and next year they tried to raise 500,000 turkeys and they did not lose a single one from a ruptured aneurysm.  They went from a 50% loss to a 0% loss just by adding a little copper to those pellets.  So they said well maybe the same thing is true for humans, so in 1958 they began looking at copper deficiency in various species of animals and humans and here’s what they found out.  
The very first symptom of copper deficiency in human beings is white, gray and silver hair.  Copper is required as a co-factor to manufacture hair pigment, doesn’t matter whether it is red, blonde, brown or black hair, and I see a lot of copper deficiency in this room.  I can almost tell you which people, men and women, have colored their hair.  I’m good at that, being a physician, and you don’t want to be like a medical doctor and just treat the symptoms.  If you are coloring your hair, you are just treating the symptoms.  You need to do the basic things, take some colloidal copper, and if you don’t what’s going to happen is, you get a breakdown in the elastic fibers of your skin, and you begin getting crows’ feet around the corners of your eyes and mouth, parts of your anatomy begin to sag, and you know you’re in trouble when your doctor tells you “I’ve got a golf buddy down the hall who is a plastic surgeon.  And for $10,000 he’ll make you look 20 years younger.  But you don’t need face-life, a booby-lift, a tummy-tuck, or a derriere-lift.  All you need is some colloidal copper and everything will come back up, just like you had a hydraulic jack under it.  It will just come right back up.  Those elastic fibers tighten right up.  They’ll say, “Francine, did you get a face lift?  You look like you are 20 years younger.”  Now if you don’t take some action at that point, the next thing that happens is, breakdown in your elastic fibers in the large veins of your legs and you get varicose veins.  You don’t take action at that point, you get a breakdown in the large veins of your exhaust pipe and you get hemorrhoids.  So if you have hemorrhoids, varicose veins, things that sag, wrinkles, white, gray or silver hair, the odds are you have aneurysms developing in you somewhere, and you don’t want to, of course, die suddenly of a ruptured aneurysm when your body has been warning you for 10, 20, 30 years. 
Just remember, people don’t die suddenly of an aneurysm, it may be you drop and die.  Think about Albert Einstein.  He died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm at 68 years of age.  What color was his hair?  He was famous for wild, white hair, wasn’t he?  Now you would like to think that people who win the Nobel Prize in Medicine at least live to be 75.5, but they live to be 58 just like other doctors.  And that’s because they are trained, and they believe, and practice that they can get everything you need from your four food groups.  Doesn’t matter if you win the Nobel Prize or not. 
This guy, Dr. George Kohler, was the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine in history.  37 years old, wins the Nobel Prize in Medicine, and he won it by studying monocline antibodies, which antibodies trained to attack cancer cells.  If they ever get this really working, it will be great, because they won’t have to use chemo-therapy anymore, which kills more people than it saves.  Eleven years after winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Dr. George Kohler, now 48, drops dead of a cardiomyopathy heart attack, because he believed/practiced that you can get everything you need from your four food groups.  Didn’t take any Selenium, died of a cardiomyopathy heart attack.
Now I have to tell you, why athletes are early warning systems.  Couch potatoes, by definition, are people who go to extraordinary efforts not to sweat.  They make every human effort not to sweat.  They are changing the TV channels, “Honey, bring in the popcorn, I’m changing the channels.  Honey, bring in the TV Guide, I’m changing the channels.”  Well, by contract, athletes have the attitude, “no pain, no gain”.  They are out there sweating, working away, power-training, strength training, running and they sweat.  Athletes, no matter of age, sweat more in 5 years than couch potatoes do in 70 years.  And when you sweat, you don’t just sweat out Potassium and Gatorade, you sweat out all 60 essential minerals.  If you sweat out all your Selenium and you don’t replace it by supplementation, you’re at high risk of getting a cardiomyopathy heart attack.  You sweat out all your copper and don’t replace it by supplementation, you’re at high risk of developing an aneurysm and dying suddenly of a ruptured aneurysm.  If you sweat out all your chromium and vanadium and don’t replace it by supplementation, you’re at high risk of getting diabetes.  And if you sweat out all your calcium and magnesium, boron and zinc, and sulphur, and other minerals that are required for cartilage, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue, bone, you’re going to get a joint/bone injury.  What is the biggest single cause of an athlete’s career being ended early?  Joint and bone problems, right?  It’s because they sweat out all the basic minerals they need to maintain those parts of the body and they don’t supplement with them because doctors tell them they can get everything they need from the four food groups.

What are the early warning system for mineral deficiency?  Well, I already told you about white, gray or silver hair for a copper deficiency.  Liver spots or age spots on the back of your hand, side of your face or neck is caused by a Selenium deficiency.  And you know, again, about Selenium deficiency.  Then, of course, you have toe cramps, leg cramps, hypertension.  These things are all caused by a deficiency of calcium, and if you’re an athlete at age 25 or 15, and you get a leg cramp, it’s a calcium deficiency.  Your body is telling you, if you don’t stop drinking those Pepsis and start supplementing with some calcium, by the time you are 40, 50, 60 years old you’re going to suffer with arthritis and osteoporosis.  But most people say, I have to get this high-priced trainer.  I need somebody who can give me massage therapy because I have this cramp.  And they don’t go and take their supplements. "
Copper, the thousand year old cure all. 
Actually, longer than that. You will learn more about when you watch this video (Caution: Adult language)
Colloidal Copper is not ionic but consists of  clusters of atoms called nano particles and thus does not have the toxicity of ionic copper. Copper is an essential micro-nutrient, needed at 1.3 milligrams per day, according to the International Copper Association. 
Almost every daily diet contains 2 to 3 mg of copper, only about half of which is absorbed. Any copper absorbed in excess of metabolic requirements is excreted through the bile, probably via hepatic lysosomes. On average, an adult has about 150 mg of copper in the body, of which about 10 to 20 mg is in the liver. The remainder is distributed ubiquitously.
I am trying this colloidal copper treatment now. I’ll keep you updated on progress, when I remember to. I simply took an old transformer that I had from the days when our son was just a tike when he had one of those battery powered drive around jeeps and took some copper wire I had in my shop. I soldered the wires from the transformer to the wires (see photos) and dropped them into a glass jar that had some brine I made with purified water and sea salt. The second batch I made using lemon juice which I prefer. I made  sure the wires DID NOT touch. THAT is important. I then plugged in the transformer and walla!! Electrolysis began immediately!! It made copper infused water in minutes. Again, as the saying goes, --size matters.  A tiny smaller one, like the one you use for charging your cell phones, well most do not use these transformers any more, WILL work but will take a lot longer. IT will get the job done. 
The water will turn a blueish green color. It will also taste metallic. The first batch I made, I kelp it "working" for about an hour and the ppm was about 330 using a meter I got with my "Zerowater" pitcher.  The second batch I made, I let it work for only about 15 minutes with lemon juice and the ppm was 132. It think it is adequate. 
I use about a teaspoon in a glass of water first thing in the mornings and once again in the eveningin tea or juice. Whatever I happen to be drinking at the time. It helps mask the metallic taste of the copper. 

Here are some of the benefits of copper therapy.
  • ·       Promotes healthy skin , used as an active ingredient in skin cream products.
  • ·       Supports healthy cartilage and tendon regenerate
  •      Plays a critical role in cellular energy production.
  • ·       Helps maintain the integrity of connective tissue in the heart and blood vessels.
  •      Plays a role in bone formation.
  •      Plays a role in the metabolism of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine.
  •      Functions as an antioxidant known to play an important role in the development and maintenance of immune system function. 
  •      Increases the body’s ability to absorb iron.
  • ·       Used as a remedy for grey hair, burns, arthritis, parasites, and viral and bacterial infections.
  • ·       Used to treat a wide range of inflammatory disorders, including ankylosing spondylitis,    arthritis, erythema nodosum, osteoarthritis, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, and Wilson’s disease.
  • ·       Alleviates anaemia and molybdenum deficiency and has also been used in the treatment of arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and to stimulate the metabolic processes.
  • ·       The metal of assimilation because it alleviates intestinal disorders and stimulates metabolism.
  • ·       The remedy of choice in many renal and spasmodic or cramping disorders.
Find out more information here and where you may be purchase you own supply if you do not want to make your own.